Y học
Tài nguyên đọc
- Being Mortal
- When Breath Becomes Air - Chính là tác phẩm gốc của cuốn "Khi hơi thở hóa thinh không" - Cá nhân tớ mới nghe sách nói bản Tiếng Việt và nó siêu hay
Những thứ khác
- P&T Journal
- https://www.doaj.org/ - DIRECTORY OF OPEN ACCESS JOURNALS
- Life in the fast lane is a great source for development in emergency medicine and critical care. Their "Research and Reviews in the Fastlane" summarize a couple of noteworthy articles in the past month(or week?). And a great ECG library.
- Dr smith's ECG blog posts interesting cases relating to ECG.
- EMCRIT Scott Weingart is the best of the best in the FOAM world (Free Open Access Medical Education).
- ERcast an ED view of things. Great podcast as well.
- SMACC a conference with podcasts of from the lectures. EM/CC.
- Critical care
- Critical Care Medicine
- Emergency medicine journal
- The Trauma Professional's Blog
- 2 Minute Medicine - Excellent summaries of all the new journal articles, and it's written by doctors.
- The Cochrane Library
- Dermnetnz.org
- UpToDate
Tài nguyên xem & nghe
- Healthcare Triage . It's hosted by a professor of Pediatrics at IU SOM. He talks a lot about medical research and health policy
- Strong Medicine
- Louisville Lectures
- HippoED
- Larry Mellick He films his patients in the emergency room and explains what is going on. Super interesting
Khóa học?
Mình tìm thấy được đống này trên Reddit
The link to SketchyMicro a few days ago inspired me to make this post. I'm sure we all have some gems lying around in the back of our minds. Sometimes a good video is crazy useful. Here are my favorites:
- Shotgun Histology on YouTube is incredible. I used it during the entire histo block. This guy also does videos on pathology that I have never tried, but he does an awesome job of keeping histology quick and dirty.
- This guy's Handwritten tutorials are great for lots of different topics, check out his channel to see his offerings. It is helpful to draw along with him; it is similar in style to Dr. Najeeb's work.
- This is the best explanation of audio transduction I have ever seen.
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