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  • Being Mortal
  • When Breath Becomes Air - Chính là tác phẩm gốc của cuốn "Khi hơi thở hóa thinh không" - Cá nhân tớ mới nghe sách nói bản Tiếng Việt và nó siêu hay

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Mình tìm thấy được đống này trên Reddit

The link to SketchyMicro a few days ago inspired me to make this post. I'm sure we all have some gems lying around in the back of our minds. Sometimes a good video is crazy useful. Here are my favorites:

  • Shotgun Histology on YouTube is incredible. I used it during the entire histo block. This guy also does videos on pathology that I have never tried, but he does an awesome job of keeping histology quick and dirty.
  • This guy's Handwritten tutorials are great for lots of different topics, check out his channel to see his offerings. It is helpful to draw along with him; it is similar in style to Dr. Najeeb's work.
  • This is the best explanation of audio transduction I have ever seen.

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