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Mining Guide

If you did everything right in the previous section, you should be able to look up words in Japanese with Yomitan. This section will cover everything you need to know to setup a proper mining experience. Mining is usually something one does after going through a vocabulary deck like Basic Vietnamese for English Speakers.

Set up Yomitan and Anki for mining

In this section, we discuss various Anki card notes, install one and setup Yomitan for mining.

Choosing a note type

There are multiple note types available out there for mining (especially for Japanese learning). I suggest using the Vietnamese note type, which is the simplest note type for beginners.

alt text

If you are somewhat advanced Anki user and comfortable with setting things up yourself:

Originally this guide recommended JPMN but ruri and myself have since then made a new note type that is a lot simpler to set up, Lapis. It brings together two of the most popular notetypes, JPMN and rudnam's JP-mining. If you want something even more streamlined (minimalist?) you can use kuuube's excellent crop-theft.

Extracted from the Mining guide written by donkuri

Setting things up

To set up Anki integration, go to "Settings" > "Anki". Make sure "Enable Anki integration" is on, Anki is running and AnkiConnect is installed.

Scroll down and click "Configure Anki card format..." to select the Note Type for your mining deck.

The settings below are for the Vietnamese Note Type. You can install it by importing this example deck.


Field Value
Word {expression}
Sentence {cloze-prefix}<b>{cloze-body}</b>{cloze-suffix}
Meaning {glossary-first-brief}

alt text


alt text

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Further reading